GHG Emissions with Higg Tools

General Webinar Recordings

GHG Emissions with Higg Tools

Category: GHG Emissions with Higg Tools
Organised by: Higg
Target Audience: All Higg Users
Date: August 4, 2021

What will this resource help with: Understand how the Higg tools can be used to dig deeper into GHG emissions.

In This Webinar, We Will Talk About: 

  • GHG Calculation Methodology
  • GHG’s and the Facility Tools
  • GHG’s and the Product Tools


This webinar will explore the data and methodology used to calculate GHG emissions across Higg tools, including FEM, MSI, and Product Module.


  • Cash East, Director of Analytics, Higg
  • Stewart Sheppard, Director of Sustainability and Training, Higg