Events Resources – Product Tools Webinars: MSI Updates

Product Tools Webinars: MSI Updates

The MSI database is updated twice a year to ensure credibility, accuracy and relevance of our data. With every update, we host a webinar to discuss the most recent changes. 

MSI Update 3.7 (Dec 23)

Level 4 Training

Category: Higg MSI database update 3.7 (Level 4 Training)
Date: January 17th, 2024

Webinar Description: What has changed with version 3.7? Please also see the MSI change log.


  • Kasja Oostindie, Customer Success Associate, Sustainability, Worldly


  • Sarah Mahmassani, Environmental Data Analyst, Worldly
  • Joel Mertens, Director of the Higg Product Tools, Cascale

MSI Update 3.6 (Jun 23)

Level 4 Training

Category: Higg MSI database update 3.6 (Level 4 Training)
Date: July 11th, 2023

Webinar Description: What has changed with version 3.6? Please also see the MSI change log.

Presenter: Kasja Oostindie, Customer Success Associate, Sustainability, Worldly

Answers to questions asked during the webinar:

Q: The YKK zipper-data comes from Japan, is there a difference in impact for zippers produced in China?
A: A different production location may result in slightly different impacts because of a different energy-mix used. The zipper-data reflects the zipper’s main production location and the data will be updated if the main production location for this product changes. That saying, when calculating the impact of a zipper (from the same material) produced in another country, the zipper-data from Japan is a good proxy to use.

MSI Update 3.5 (Dec 22)

Category: MSI Taxonomy Update (Dec 2022)
Organized by: Higg
Target Audience: All MSI users
Date: January 17, 2023

Webinar Description: Learn about important new updates to the Higg Material Sustainability Index (MSI).


  • Kasja Oostindie, Customer Success Associate, Sustainability, Higg