MSI Training
1. MSI Onboarding
2. MSI Deep Dive
PM Training
1. PM Onboarding
2. PM Deep Dive (Footwear)
3. PM Deep Dive (Apparel)
4. PM Advanced Functionality
1. Introduction to LCA and the Higg MSI
2. The MSI Score
3. GWP & Biogenic Carbon
4. Eutrophication
5. Water Scarcity & Water Consumption
6. Fossil Fuel Resource Depletion
7. Chemical Indicator
MSI Updates
1. MSI Update 3.7 (Dec 23)
2. MSI Update 3.6 (Jun 23)
3. MSI Update 3.5 (Dec 22)
Product Tools Webinars: MSI Updates
The MSI database is updated twice a year to ensure credibility, accuracy and relevance of our data. With every update, we host a webinar to discuss the most recent changes.
MSI Update 3.7 (Dec 23)
Level 4 TrainingCategory: Higg MSI database update 3.7 (Level 4 Training)
Date: January 17th, 2024
Webinar Description: What has changed with version 3.7? Please also see the MSI change log.
- Kasja Oostindie, Customer Success Associate, Sustainability, Worldly
- Sarah Mahmassani, Environmental Data Analyst, Worldly
- Joel Mertens, Director of the Higg Product Tools, Cascale
MSI Update 3.6 (Jun 23)
Level 4 TrainingCategory: Higg MSI database update 3.6 (Level 4 Training)
Date: July 11th, 2023
Webinar Description: What has changed with version 3.6? Please also see the MSI change log.
Presenter: Kasja Oostindie, Customer Success Associate, Sustainability, Worldly
Answers to questions asked during the webinar:
Q: The YKK zipper-data comes from Japan, is there a difference in impact for zippers produced in China?
A: A different production location may result in slightly different impacts because of a different energy-mix used. The zipper-data reflects the zipper’s main production location and the data will be updated if the main production location for this product changes. That saying, when calculating the impact of a zipper (from the same material) produced in another country, the zipper-data from Japan is a good proxy to use.
MSI Update 3.5 (Dec 22)
Category: MSI Taxonomy Update (Dec 2022)
Organized by: Higg
Target Audience: All MSI users
Date: January 17, 2023
Webinar Description: Learn about important new updates to the Higg Material Sustainability Index (MSI).
- Kasja Oostindie, Customer Success Associate, Sustainability, Higg