Table of Contents
1. Production and Domestic Energy Use
3. Refrigerants
4. Aggregates
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Production and Domestic Energy Use
Data Collection
Data about production and domestic energy use is collected in the Energy section of FEM separated by facility type except in the case that a facility operates as and only as both a Finished Product Processing and Finished Product Assembler and Finished Product Processing represents 5% or less of the total production volume of the facility and the facility cannot track the energy use of the two facility types separately. In that case the Finished Product Processing energy use is reported as a part of the Finished Product Assembler facility type data. In the case that the two are combined energysepa rate will have a value of No.
Domestic energy use is either reported as a part of production use, in the case that a facility cannot separate the energy usage, or separately.
You can determine whether a facility is reporting energy values split between domestic and produc‑ tion or combined by looking at the ref_idensourcetracksepdomprodan answer of Nomeans the facility is reporting combined (row 3 in the table below) and Yes means separated (rows 1 and 2 in the table below). Because a facility will never report using both methods they may safely be summed without risk of double counting.
Raw energy use is reported in the follow ref_ids:

Where the wildcards [1] and [2] represent the energy source and facility type which may be any of the following values:

So the raw value for energy usage of coal water slurry in Raw Material Collection & Bulk Refining for production would be found in either the ref_id ensourcerawMaterialCollectionquantpro densourcecoalwaterslurry or ensourcerawMaterialCollectionquantensource coalwaterslurry the former if ensourcetracksepdomprod is Yes the latter if it is no and then combined with domestic energy use but never both.
Conversion to MJ
All domestic and production energy sources are converted into MJ from the reported unit in calculations with the ref_id form of

The wild cards [1] and [2] are the energy source and facility type as above.
Most energy sources are converted to MJ using the following energy densities which, where possible, represent the lower heating value (LHV) of the source and, regardless, use either the best available energy density or a proxy deemed as sufficiently representative. Sources and conversion formulas used to convert from the source data to the numbers in the following table are available in the Excel FEM 2023 Emission Factors but are left out here for space:

The exceptions are districtheating, steampurch, diesel, and biodiesel.
When reported in a non energy unit the energy density of district heating is calculated using the dif‑ ference between the temperature of the heated water received at the facility and the temperature of the water exiting. These values may be found in ensourcedistrictheatingrectemp and ensourcedistrictheatingexittemp respectively.
When reported as a mass unit (volume is not allowed) the energy density of steam is calculated using the reported pressure and temperature of the steam. These values may be found in ensteampres sure and ensteamtemp respectively.
The MJ values of diesel and biodiesel are adjusted based on the reported mixtures of biodiesel and diesel in each energy source so that the reported MJ only represent biodiesel and diesel rather than blends. The mix values for production/domestic use may be found in endieselmix and enbiodieselmix where the latter is the mixture of reported biodiesel usage and the former is the mixture of reported diesel usage.
Sources without listed energy densities may only be reported as energy units and conversion to MJ is straightforward.
For secondary energy sources the assumed efficiency of the generation source is accounted for during the conversion to MJ. Restated, the reported MJ for secondary sources includes an assumption about generation efficiency.
Conversion to kg CO2e
The kg CO2e emitted through the use of all domestic and production energy sources is calculated and reported with the ref_id form of

The wild cards [1] and [2] are the energy source and facility type as above.
In most cases the kg CO2e emissions are calculated using a single default emission factor from the following table. Sources for the data in the following table are available in the Excel FEM 2023 Emission Factors but are left out here for space:

The exceptions are electricpurch, chilledwater, districtheating, purchrenew, and steampurch which may have their emissions calculated based on different factors.
electricpurch is based on the facility’s country grid emission factor by default but is overridden as specified by the facility in the question enghgefelecpurchwquant if the answer enghge felecpurch is Yes. The country grid emission factors are updated when possible for each FEM cadence and may not be disclosed as they are licensed from IEA.
The rest may either have their specific emission factor reported by the facility and/or the mix of sources used to generate the energy. If the specific emission factor is reported that value is used. If there is no specific reported emission factor but the source mix is reported those values are used to calculate an emission factor based on the emission factors in the table above. Otherwise, the default value from the table above is used.
Vehicle Energy Use
Raw vehicle energy use is reported in the ref_ids ensourcequantvehicle[1] for the quantity ensourceunitvehicle[1] and the unit of measure. The wildcard [1] is energy source as found in the following table:

The MJ used and kg CO2e emissions are calculated as per the “Production and Domestic Energy Use” section with the following ref_id formats ensourcequantvehcile[1]_mj and ensource quantdomestic[1]_kgco2e. The wildcard [1] represents the energy source.
The following special cases modify the MJ calculations:
The mix of ethanol with petrol may be reported in enethanolvehiclemix in which case the MJ of ethanol includes the volume mixed into petrol.
The MJ values of diesel and biodiesel are adjusted based on the reported mixtures of biodiesel and diesel in each energy source so that the reported MJ only represent biodiesel and diesel rather than blends. The mix values for vehicle use may be found in endieselvehiclemix and enbiodie selvehiclemix where the latter is the mixture of reported biodiesel usage and the former is the mixture of reported diesel usage.
Vehicle energy sources use the same energy densities and emission factors as production/domestic sources. Several sources are reported for vehicles only and have the following values for energy density.
Energy Density

Note: FEM reports on emissions from scope 1 and 2 only so the scope 3 emissions for hydrogen are not in scope.
Wastewater Treatment
Biogenic carbon emissions from waste water treatment expressed in terms of kg CO2e may be found in the aggregate calculation under the ref_id biogenicCO2e.
[The US EPA reference for estimating biogenic emissions](‑emissions‑factor s‑and‑quantification/greenhouse‑gas‑emissions‑estimation‑methodologies‑biogenic was used as the source for the calculations performed in FEM 2023.
The following emission formulas were used:
CO2 Emission Formula:
CO2 =10^−6 ×Qww ×OD×EffOD ×CFCO2 ×[(1−MCFww ×BGCH4 )(1−λ)]
CH4 Emission Formula:
CH4 =10^−6 ×Qww ×OD×EffOD ×CFCH4 ×[(MCFww ×BGCH4 )(1−λ)]
CO2 = CO2 emission rate (Mg CO2/hr)
CH4 = CH4 emission rate (Mg CH4/hr)
10^-6 = Units conversion factor (Mg/g)
QWW = Wastewater influent flow rate (m3/hr)
OD = Oxygen demand of influent wastewater to the biological treatment
↪ unit determined as either BOD5 or COD (mg/L = g/m3)
EffOD = Oxygen demand removal efficiency of the biological treatment unit CFCO2 = Conversion factor for maximum CO2 generation per unit of oxygen
↪ demand
44/32 = 1.375 g CO2/ g oxygen demand
CFCH4 = Conversion factor for maximum CH4 generation per unit of oxygen
↪ demand
16/32 = 0.5 g CH4/ g oxygen demand
MCFWW = methane correction factor for wastewater treatment unit, indicating the fraction of the influent oxygen demand that is converted
↪ anaerobically in the wastewater treatment unit
↪ BGCH4 = Fraction of carbon as CH4 generated biogas (default is 0.65)
λ = Biomass yield (g C converted to biomass/g C consumed in the
↪ wastewater treatment process).
Wastewater Treatment

For a given facility the treatment type used to assign values from table 2.3 are determined by applying the following logic to the values given for wwbiologicalp[1]process where the wild card [1] represents the waste water type (domestic, industrial, or combined).

For sub process calculations the process type given by the facility is used.
Refrigerant use is reported in the Air Emissions section of FEM. Usage information can be found in the following ref_ids:

The wildcard [1] represents the refrigerant being reported on. The possible values may be found in the emission factor table for refrigerants that follows.
To calculate the kg of CO2e emissions due to refrigerant usage the quantity of refrigerant used is converted to kg and then multiplied by the emission factor found in the following table:
Reference | Value | kg CO2e per KG |
r10 | R-10 (PCC) | 2200.0000 |
r11 | R-11 (CFC) | 5560.0000 |
r12 | R-12 (CFC) | 11200.0000 |
r12B1 | R-12B1 (H) | 1930.0000 |
r12B2 | R-12B2 (H) | 216.0000 |
r13 | R-13 (CFC) | 16200.0000 |
r13B1 | R-13B1 (H) | 7200.0000 |
r14 | R-14 (PFC) | 7380.0000 |
r20 | R-20 (HCC) | 16200.0000 |
r21 | R-21 (HCFC) | 160.0000 |
r22 | R-22 (HCFC) | 1960.0000 |
r22B1 | R-22B1 (H) | 380.0000 |
r23 | R-23 (HFC) | 14800.0000 |
r30 | R-30 (HCC) | 11.2000 |
r31 | R-31 (HCFC) | 79.4000 |
r32 | R-32 (HFC) | 771.0000 |
r40 | R-40 (HCC) | 5.5400 |
r41 | R-41 (HFC) | 135.0000 |
r50 | R-50 (HC) | 27.9000 |
r110 | R-110 (PCC) |
r111 | R-111 (CFC) |
r112 | R-112 (CFC) | 4620.0000 |
r112A | R-112a (CFC) | 3550.0000 |
r113 | R-113 (CFC) | 6520.0000 |
r113A | R-113a (CFC) | 3930.0000 |
r114 | R-114 (CFC) | 9430.0000 |
r114A | R-114a (CFC) | 7420.0000 |
r114B2 | R-114B2 (H) | 2170.0000 |
r115 | R-115 (CFC) | 9600.0000 |
r116 | R-116 (PFC) | 12400.0000 |
r120 | R-120 (HCC) |
r121 | R-121 (HCFC) | 58.3000 |
r121A | R-121a (HCFC) |
r122 | R-122 (HCFC) | 56.4000 |
r122A | R-122a (HCFC) | 245.0000 |
r122B | R-122b (HCFC) | 772.0000 |
r123 | R-123 (HCFC) | 90.4000 |
r123A | R-123a (HCFC) | 395.0000 |
r123B | R-123b (HCFC) | 90.4000 |
r124 | R-124 (HCFC) | 597.0000 |
r124A | R-124a (HCFC) | 2070.0000 |
r125 | R-125 (HFC) | 3500.0000 |
re125 | R-E125 (HFC) | 14900.0000 |
r130 | R-130 (HCC) | 9.0000 |
r130A | R-130a (HCC) | 128.0000 |
r131 | R-131 (HCFC) | 30.0000 |
r131A | R-131a (HCFC) | 181.0000 |
r131B | R-131b (HCFC) | 128.0000 |
r132 | R-132 (HCFC) | 122.0000 |
r132A | R-132a (HCFC) | 70.4000 |
r132B | R-132b (HCFC) | 332.0000 |
r132C | R-132c (HCFC) | 342.0000 |
r132BB2 | R-132bB2 (H) |
r133 | R-133 (HCFC) | 275.0000 |
r133A | R-133a (HCFC) | 388.0000 |
r133B | R-133b (HCFC) | 834.0000 |
r134 | R-134 (HFC) | 1260.0000 |
r134A | R-134a (HFC) | 1530.0000 |
re134 | R-E134 (HFC) | 840.0000 |
r140 | R-140 (HCC) | 2.0000 |
r140A | R-140a (HCC) | 161.0000 |
r141 | R-141 (HCFC) | 46.6000 |
r141B2 | R-141B2 (H) |
r141A | R-141a (HCFC) | 46.6000 |
r141B | R-141b (HCFC) | 860.0000 |
r142 | R-142 (HCFC) | 189.0000 |
r142A | R-142a (HCFC) | 175.0000 |
r142B | R-142b (HCFC) | 2300.0000 |
r143 | R-143 (HFC) | 353.0000 |
r143A | R-143a (HFC) | 4470.0000 |
r143M | R-143m (HFC) | 607.0000 |
re143A | R-E143a (HFC) | 5810.0000 |
r150 | R-150 (HCC) | 1.0000 |
r150A | R-150a (HCC) | 4.0000 |
r151 | R-151 (HCFC) | 12.0000 |
r151A | R-151a (HCFC) | 58.0000 |
r152 | R-152 (HFC) | 21.5000 |
r152A | R-152a (HFC) | 164.0000 |
r160 | R-160 (HCC) | 0.4810 |
r161 | R-161 (HFC) | 4.8400 |
r170 | R-170 (HC) | 0.4370 |
re170 | R-E170 (HC) | 0.0000 |
r211 | R-211 (CFC) |
r212 | R-212 (CFC) |
r213 | R-213 (CFC) |
r214 | R-214 (CFC) |
r215 | R-215 (CFC) |
r216 | R-216 (CFC) |
r216Ca | R-216ca (CFC) | 7540.0000 |
r217 | R-217 (CFC) |
r217Ba | R-217ba (CFC) |
r218 | R-218 (PFC) | 9290.0000 |
r221 | R-221 (HCFC) | 110.0000 |
r222 | R-222 (HCFC) | 500.0000 |
r222C | R-222c (HCFC) | 73.0000 |
r223 | R-223 (HCFC) | 695.0000 |
r223Ca | R-223ca (HCFC) | 90.0000 |
r223Cb | R-223cb (HCFC) | 258.0000 |
r224 | R-224 (HCFC) | 1095.0000 |
r224Ca | R-224ca (HCFC) | 142.0000 |
r224Cb | R-224cb (HCFC) | 116.0000 |
r224Cc | R-224cc (HCFC) | 1180.0000 |
r225 | R-225 (HCFC) | 1560.0000 |
r225Aa | R-225aa (HCFC) | 1040.0000 |
r225Ba | R-225ba (HCFC) | 350.0000 |
r225Bb | R-225bb (HCFC) | 1650.0000 |
r225Ca | R-225ca (HCFC) | 137.0000 |
r225Cb | R-225cb (HCFC) | 568.0000 |
r225Cc | R-225cc (HCFC) | 1580.0000 |
r225Da | R-225da (HCFC) | 1620.0000 |
r225Ea | R-225ea (HCFC) | 1700.0000 |
r225Eb | R-225eb (HCFC) | 1270.0000 |
r226 | R-226 (HCFC) | 2455.0000 |
r226Ba | R-226ba (HCFC) | 1630.0000 |
r226Ca | R-226ca (HCFC) | 509.0000 |
r226Cb | R-226cb (HCFC) | 2610.0000 |
r226Da | R-226da (HCFC) | 2630.0000 |
r226Ea | R-226ea (HCFC) | 2680.0000 |
r227Ca | R-227ca (HFC) | 3180.0000 |
r227Ca2 | R-227ca2 (HFC) | 3640.0000 |
r227Ea | R-227ea (HFC) | 3220.0000 |
r227Me | R-227me (HFC) | 6930.0000 |
r231 | R-231 (HCFC) | 350.0000 |
r232 | R-232 (HCFC) | 690.0000 |
r232Ca | R-232ca (HCFC) | 27.0000 |
r232Cb | R-232cb (HCFC) | 278.0000 |
r233 | R-233 (HCFC) | 1495.0000 |
r233Ca | R-233ca (HCFC) | 71.0000 |
r233Cb | R-233cb (HCFC) | 372.0000 |
r233Cc | R-233cc (HCFC) | 501.0000 |
r234 | R-234 (HCFC) | 3490.0000 |
r234Aa | R-234aa (HCFC) | 464.0000 |
r234Ab | R-234ab (HCFC) | 291.0000 |
r234Ba | R-234ba (HCFC) | 260.0000 |
r234Bb | R-234bb (HCFC) | 376.0000 |
r234Bc | R-234bc (HCFC) | 695.0000 |
r234Ca | R-234ca (HCFC) | 199.0000 |
r234Cb | R-234cb (HCFC) | 116.0000 |
r234Cc | R-234cc (HCFC) | 900.0000 |
r234Cd | R-234cd (HCFC) | 665.0000 |
r234Da | R-234da (HCFC) | 195.0000 |
r234Fa | R-234fa (HCFC) | 3700.0000 |
r234Fb | R-234fb (HCFC) | 3310.0000 |
r235 | R-235 (HCFC) | 5320.0000 |
r235Ca | R-235ca (HCFC) | 583.0000 |
r235Cb | R-235cb (HCFC) | 410.0000 |
r235Cc | R-235cc (HCFC) | 1560.0000 |
r235Da | R-235da (HCFC) | 491.0000 |
r235Fa | R-235fa (HCFC) | 580.0000 |
r236Cb | R-236cb (HFC) | 1340.0000 |
r236Ea | R-236ea (HFC) | 1370.0000 |
r236Fa | R-236fa (HFC) | 9810.0000 |
r236Me | R-236me (HFC) | 988.0000 |
rfe36 | R-FE-36 (HFC) | 2630.0000 |
r241 | R-241 (HCFC) | 450.0000 |
r242 | R-242 (HCFC) | 1025.0000 |
r243 | R-243 (HCFC) | 2060.0000 |
r243Ca | R-243ca (HCFC) | 213.0000 |
r243Cb | R-243cb (HCFC) | 95.0000 |
r243Cc | R-243cc (HCFC) | 2060.0000 |
r243Da | R-243da (HCFC) | 125.0000 |
r243Ea | R-243ea (HCFC) | 105.0000 |
r243Ec | R-243ec (HCFC) | 119.0000 |
r244 | R-244 (HCFC) | 3360.0000 |
r244Ba | R-244ba (HCFC) | 388.0000 |
r244Bb | R-244bb (HCFC) | 1770.0000 |
r244Ca | R-244ca (HCFC) | 487.0000 |
r244Cb | R-244cb (HCFC) | 315.0000 |
r244Cc | R-244cc (HCFC) | 3620.0000 |
r244Da | R-244da (HCFC) | 313.0000 |
r244Db | R-244db (HCFC) | 177.0000 |
r244Ea | R-244ea (HCFC) | 201.0000 |
r244Eb | R-244eb (HCFC) | 137.0000 |
r244Ec | R-244ec (HCFC) | 284.0000 |
r244Fa | R-244fa (HCFC) | 197.0000 |
r244Fb | R-244fb (HCFC) | 976.0000 |
r245Ca | R-245ca (HFC) | 787.0000 |
r245Cb | R-245cb (HFC) | 4550.0000 |
r245Ea | R-245ea (HFC) | 255.0000 |
r245Eb | R-245eb (HFC) | 325.0000 |
r245Fa | R-245fa (HFC) | 962.0000 |
r245Mc | R-245mc (HFC) | 649.0000 |
r245Mf | R-245mf (HFC) |
r245Qc | R-245qc (HFC) |
r251 | R-251 (HCFC) |
r252 | R-252 (HCFC) |
r252Ca | R-252ca (HCFC) | 136.0000 |
r252Cb | R-252cb (HCFC) | 77.0000 |
r252Dc | R-252dc (HCFC) | 50.0000 |
r252Ec | R-252ec (HCFC) | 65.0000 |
r253 | R-253 (HCFC) |
r253Ba | R-253ba (HCFC) | 233.0000 |
r253Bb | R-253bb (HCFC) | 722.0000 |
r253Ca | R-253ca (HCFC) | 285.0000 |
r253Cb | R-253cb (HCFC) | 319.0000 |
r253Ea | R-253ea (HCFC) | 81.0000 |
r253Eb | R-253eb (HCFC) | 93.0000 |
r253Ec | R-253ec (HCFC) | 102.0000 |
r253Fa | R-253fa (HCFC) | 157.0000 |
r253Fb | R-253fb (HCFC) | 65.0000 |
r253Fc | R-253fc (HCFC) | 143.0000 |
r254Cb | R-254cb (HFC) |
r254Pc | R-254pc (HFC) |
r261 | R-261 (HCFC) |
r261Ba | R-261ba (HCFC) | 90.0000 |
r262 | R-262 (HCFC) |
r262Ca | R-262ca (HCFC) | 214.0000 |
r262Fa | R-262fa (HCFC) | 40.0000 |
r262Fb | R-262fb (HCFC) | 49.0000 |
r263 | R-263 (HFC) |
r271 | R-271 (HCFC) |
r271B | R-271b (HCFC) | 362.0000 |
r271D | R-271d (HCFC) | 4.0000 |
r271Fb | R-271fb (HCFC) | 22.0000 |
r272 | R-272 (HFC) |
r281 | R-281 (HFC) |
r290 | R-290 (HC) | 20.0000 |
rc316 | R-C316 (CFC) |
rc317 | R-C317 (CFC) |
rc318 | R-C318 (PFC) | 10200.0000 |
r3110 | R-3-1-10 (PFC) | 10000.0000 |
r329Ccb | R-329ccb (HFC) | 2360.0000 |
r338Eea | R-338eea (HFC) | 1320.0000 |
r347Ccd | R-347ccd (HFC) | 3060.0000 |
r347Mcc | R-347mcc (HFC) |
r347Mmy | R-347mmy (HFC) |
r365Mfc | R-365mfc (HFC) | 914.0000 |
r4112 | R-4-1-12 (PFC) | 9220.0000 |
r5114 | R-5-1-14 (PFC) | 8620.0000 |
r400 | R-400 (CFC) |
r401A | R-401A (HCFC) | 16.0000 |
r401B | R-401B (HCFC) | 14.0000 |
r401C | R-401C (HCFC) | 19.0000 |
r402A | R-402A (HCFC) | 2100.0000 |
r402B | R-402B (HCFC) | 1330.0000 |
r403A | R-403A (HCFC) | 3124.0000 |
r403B | R-403B (HCFC) | 3444.0000 |
r404A | R-404A (HFC) | 4728.0000 |
r405A | R-405A (HCFC) | 5328.0000 |
r406A | R-406A (HCFC) | 1943.0000 |
r406B | R-406B (HCFC) | 1839.0000 |
r407A | R-407A (HFC) | 2262.0000 |
r407B | R-407B (HFC) | 3001.0000 |
r407C | R-407C (HFC) | 1908.0000 |
r407D | R-407D (HFC) | 1748.0000 |
r407E | R-407E (HFC) | 1672.0000 |
r407F | R-407F (HFC) | 1965.0000 |
r408A | R-408A (HCFC) | 3000.0000 |
r409A | R-409A (HCFC) | 1600.0000 |
r409B | R-409B (HCFC) | 1560.0000 |
r410A | R-410A (HFC) | 2256.0000 |
r410B | R-410B (HFC) | 2404.0000 |
r411A | R-411A (HCFO) | 14.0000 |
r411B | R-411B (HCFO) | 4.0000 |
r411C | R-411C (HCFO) | 1730.0000 |
r412A | R-412A (HCFC) | 2286.0000 |
r413A | R-413A (HFC) | 2183.0000 |
r414A | R-414A (HCFC) | 0.0000 |
r414B | R-414B (HCFC) | 0.0000 |
r415A | R-415A (HCFC) | 1507.0000 |
r415B | R-415B (HCFC) | 546.0000 |
r416A | R-416A (HCFC) | 1084.0000 |
r417A | R-417A (HFC) | 2508.0000 |
r417B | R-417B (HFC) | 3235.0000 |
r418A | R-418A (HCFC) | 1741.0000 |
r419A | R-419A (HFC) | 3171.0000 |
r420A | R-420A (HCFC) | 1548.0000 |
r421A | R-421A (HFC) | 2812.0000 |
r421B | R-421B (HFC) | 3409.0000 |
r422A | R-422A (HFC) | 3359.0000 |
r422B | R-422B (HFC) | 2700.0000 |
r422C | R-422C (HFC) | 3296.0000 |
r422D | R-422D (HFC) | 2917.0000 |
r423A | R-423A (HFC) | 2513.0000 |
r424A | R-424A (HFC) | 2608.0000 |
r425A | R-425A (HFC) | 1638.0000 |
r426A | R-426A (HFC) | 1614.0000 |
r427A | R-427A (HFC) | 2397.0000 |
r428A | R-428A (HFC) | 4061.0000 |
r429A | R-429A (HFC) | 16.0000 |
r430A | R-430A (HFC) | 125.0000 |
r431A | R-431A (HFC) | 48.0000 |
r432A | R-432A (HO) |
r433A | R-433A (HO) | 20.0000 |
r433B | R-433B (HO) | 20.0000 |
r433C | R-433C (HO) | 20.0000 |
r434A | R-434A (HFC) | 3654.0000 |
r435A | R-435A (HFC) | 33.0000 |
r436A | R-436A (HC) | 0.0000 |
r436B | R-436B (HC) | 0.0000 |
r437A | R-437A (HFC) | 1930.0000 |
r438A | R-438A (HFC) | 2425.0000 |
r439A | R-439A (HFC) | 2143.0000 |
r440A | R-440A (HFC) | 185.0000 |
r441A | R-441A (HC) | 20.0000 |
r500 | R-500 (HCFC) | 8100.0000 |
r501 | R-501 (HCFC) | 0.0000 |
r502 | R-502 (CFC) | 0.0000 |
r503 | R-503 (HCFC) | 4692.0000 |
r504 | R-504 (HCFC) | 313.0000 |
r505 | R-505 (HCFC) | 0.0000 |
r506 | R-506 (HCFC) | 0.0000 |
r507A | R-507[A] (HFC) | 3300.0000 |
r508A | R-508[A] (HFC) | 10175.0000 |
r508B | R-508B (HFC) | 10350.0000 |
r509A | R-509[A] (HCFC) | 3920.0000 |
r510A | R-510[A] (HC) | 0.0000 |
r511A | R-511[A] (HC) | 0.0000 |
r600 | R-600 (HC) | 0.0060 |
r600A | R-600a (HC) | 0.0000 |
r601 | R-601 (HC) | 20.0000 |
r601A | R-601a (HC) | 20.0000 |
r610 | R-610 (HC) |
r611 | R-611 (HC) | 25.0000 |
r630 | R-630 |
r631 | R-631 |
r702 | R-702 | 5.8000 |
r704 | R-704 |
r717 | R-717 |
r718 | R-718 |
r720 | R-720 |
r728 | R-728 |
r729 | R-729 |
r732 | R-732 |
r740 | R-740 |
r744 | R-744 | 1.0000 |
r744A | R-744A | 298.0000 |
r764 | R-764 |
r784 | R-784 |
r1112A | R-1112a (CFO) |
r1113 | R-1113 (CFO) | 12.0000 |
r1114 | R-1114 (PFO) | 6.5000 |
r1120 | R-1120 (HCO) |
r1130 | R-1130 (HCO) |
r1132A | R-1132a (HFO) | 1.7000 |
r1140 | R-1140 (HCO) |
r1141 | R-1141 (HFO) | 0.0200 |
r1150 | R-1150 (HO) | 6.8000 |
r1216 | R-1216 (PFO) | 8.7000 |
r1218 | R-1218 (PFO) |
r1233Zd | R-1233zd (HCFO) |
r1234Yf | R-1234yf (HFO) |
r1234Ze | R-1234ze (HFO) | 1.4000 |
r1270 | R-1270 (HO) | 20.0000 |
Empty values result in a value of 0 kg CO2e per kg of refrigerant.
Aggregates Existing from FEM 2022
Note: no aggregate calculation existing in FEM 2022 has been changed to include biogenic emissions from waste water or account for EACs reported in the FEM Energy Section Question 3 ensour cepurcheac and its children.
Total MJ of energy across all facility types, domestic and vehicle usage from the source represented by the wild card [1]
Total kg CO2e of energy across all facility types, domestic and vehicle usage from the source repre‑ sented by the wild card [1]
Total kg CO2e of energy across all facility types, domestic and vehicle usage from all renewable energy sources (includes biomass)
Total kg CO2e of energy across all facility types, domestic and vehicle usage from all sources (does not include refrigerants)
Total kg CO2e of emissions from refrigerants
Total kg CO2e of energy across all facility types, domestic and vehicle usage from all non‑renewable sources (does include refrigerants)
Total kg CO2e emissions from all energy sources and refrigerants
New Aggregates
Total MJ of energy used for domestic purposes. Only has a value if the facility reported production and domestic usage separately.
Total kg CO2e of emissions from energy used for domestic purposes. Only has a value if the facility reported production and domestic usage separately.
Total MJ of energy used by vehicles.
Total kg CO2e of emissions from vehicles.
Total MJ of energy used across all sources for the facility type represented by the wild card [2] [2]_total_mj
Total MJ of energy used across all sources for the facility type represented by the wild card [2]. In‑ cludes domestic and vehicle usage added evenly across each facility type.
Total MJ of energy used per unit produced across all sources for the facility type represented by the wild card [2]. Includes domestic and vehicle usage added evenly across each facility type. The unit total and unit of measure can be found in sipfacilityannualprodvolquant[2] and sip facilityannualprodvolunits[2] respectively.
Total kg CO2e of emissions across all energy sources for the facility type represented by the wild card [2]
Total kg CO2e of emissions produced across all energy sources for the facility type represented by the wild card [2]. Includes domestic and vehicle usage added evenly across each facility type.
Total kg CO2e of emissions per unit produced across all energy sourcesfor thefacility type represented by the wild card [2]. Includes domestic and vehicle usage added evenly across each facility type.
The unit total and unit of measure can be found in sipfacilityannualprodvolquant[2] and sipfacilityannualprodvolunits[2] respectively.
Additional Aggregates
Additional aggregations may be found in exports and other reporting. They are documented in the data dictionary or report specific documentation as appropriate.