Table of Contents
1. Water Data
3. Waste Data
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Water Data
Data about production and domestic water use is collected in the Water section of FEM separated by facility type.
Domestic water use is either reported as a part of production use, in the case that a facility cannot separate the water usage, or separately.
You can determine whether a facility is reporting water values split between domestic and production or combined by looking at the ref_id wattrackdomprodsep an answer of No means the facility is reporting combined (row 3 in the table below) and Yes means separated (rows 1 and 2 in the table below). Because a facility will never report using both methods they may safely be summed without risk of double counting.
Raw water use is reported in the follow ref_ids:

Where the wildcards [1] and [2] represent the water source and facility type which may be any of the following values:

So the raw value for usage of surface in Raw Material Collection & Bulk Refining for production would be found in either the ref_id wattrackwatsourcesurfaceprodrawMaterialCollection quant or wattrackwatsourcesurfaceallrawMaterialCollectionquant the former if ensourcetracksepdomprod is Yes the latter if it is no and then combined with domestic water use but never both.
Water Aggregates
Total liters of water across all facility types, and domestic usage from the water source represented by the wild card [1]
Total water use from domestic usage across all sources.
Total liters of water across all facility types, and domestic usage from the water sources:
Total liters of water across all facility types, and domestic usage from the water sources:
Total water use across all sources, facility types, and domestic use.
Total liters of water used across all sources for the facility type represented by the wild card [2] [2]_water_l
Total liters of water used across all sources for the facility type represented by the wild card [2]. In‑ cludes domestic usage added evenly across each facility type.
Total liters of water used per unit produced across all sources for the facility type represented by the wild card [2]. Includes domestic and vehicle usage added evenly across each facility type. The unit total and unit of measure can be found in sipfacilityannualprodvolquant[2] and sip facilityannualprodvolunits[2] respectively.
Waste Data
Data about waste generation is collected in the Waste section of FEM separated by hazardous and non‑hazardous waste type. Unlike energy and water it is not reported by facility type.
Raw waste generation is reported in the follow ref_ids:

Where the wildcard [1] represents the waste source which may be any of the following values:

Waste Aggregates
Waste totals are converted to kilograms from the reported units and aggregations are provided in the following calculations:
Total kilograms of non hazardous waste.
Total kilograms of hazardous waste.
Total kilograms of all waste, both hazardous and non hazardous.