1. FEM 4.0 Introductory Training
2. FEM 2023 Brands Getting Started Training
3. FEM 2023 Facilities Getting Started Training
4. FEM Site Info & Permits Content Training
6. FEM 4.0 Energy Use & GHG Training
8. FEM Wastewater Content Training
9. FEM 4.0 Air Emission Training
13. Cascale Verification Program Updates for FEM4.0
14. FSLM Onboarding
Facility Tools Webinar Recordings
FEM 2023 Facilities Getting Started Training
Level 2 TrainingCategory: Higg FEM 2023 Facilities Getting Started Training (Level 2 Training)
Organized by: Worldly
Target Audience: Manufacturing facilities
Date: November 16, 2023
Webinar Description: If you are a brand and you are planning on rolling out Higg FEM to facilities in your supply chain, this training will help you get started. In this training we will cover the following topics: an introduction to the Higg FEM, the methodology and assessment structure, how to prepare for roll out and use the Adoption tool, different data reports available and how to navigate our support resources.
Host: Tiffany Leung, Customer Success Associate, APAC, Worldly
Joined by:
- Angela Ng, Director of Higg Facility Tools, Cascale
- Demith Gooneratne, Manager of Higg Facility Tools, Cascale