Trainer Code of Professional Conduct

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition Trainer Code of Professional Conduct

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) expects individuals vetted and approved through the Training Program Manager to follow the principles outlined in the Sustainable Apparel Coalition Training Provider Code of Professional Conduct



Trainers must promote a culture of integrity. They must manage and address training integrity before, during and after each Higg training. Trainers must not knowingly be a party to any illegal activity, or engage in acts that are discreditable to the SAC.

Conflict of interest and impartiality

Trainers must not conduct FEM Verification services for facilities in the same FEM cadencewhere they have provided training, An exceptionwould be where the training was provided to a larger group audience about general topics and specific discussions or instruction was not directed to a single manufacturer or group of manufacturers that are owned and/or operated by the same manufacturing group.

Trainers should only provide certificates for those who have fully attended training session and completed all required activities as determined by the trainer.


Trainers shall manage risks and ensure compliance with all applicable laws related to corruption. The highest standards of integrity are to be upheld in all business interactions. Trainers shall have a zero tolerance policy to prohibit any and all forms of bribery and corruption.


Trainers must maintain confidentiality with respect to information gathered while executing Higg Index FEM training. Trainers must take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized access to information collected during or relating to Higg FEM training. This includes information available on the platform with regards to facilities.

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights are to be respected; transfer of technology and know- how is to be done in a manner that protects intellectual property rights; and, customer information is to be safeguarded.


Following training standard

Trainers must perform trainings in accordance with the SAC instructions and standards. The Training guidance will provide instruction for conducting trainings.


Trainers must act in a respectful manner to all trainees.

Training Reporting

Ensuring authorized access

Trainers shall have systems in place to ensure all data is collected, stored and transferred in compliance with applicable law, is secure and only accessible by authorized persons.

Timely Reporting

Trainers are required to share training feedback via Sumerra platform in a timely manner as outlined in the training guidance.

Sharing Training Feedback

The training feedback may not be shared with any other third parties outside of the SAC and the Training Program Provider.

Training Privacy General Rules

Trainers should observe the following rules to ensure they are protecting information collected during all trainings.

  • Trainers shall ask permission from facility staff when accessing or leveraging information related to facility training.
  • Trainers will not distribute training participant information to third parties unless granted permission by training participants.
  • Trainers will ensure any electronic devices are secured with a password to prevent access to facility information.
  • Trainers shall not discuss specific facility information gained from the training with anyone outside of the facility management staff, the SAC team or the Training Program Manager, and only as necessary to provide feedback for the training program.

Sensitive Information Handling Rules

The trainer may come across sensitive information during the course of a training. Sensitive information during a training may include, innovative designs or processes, price sensitive information, strategy documents, and any other information which differentiates the facility providing them with a competitive advantage. Sensitive information should be guarded under extreme care and with security measures to ensure its confidentiality.

  • Sensitive information is confidential and trainers should not share it with any person or organization.
  • Trainers should not request or use sensitive information data unless necessary for the training.
  • If sensitive information is accidentally provided and is not needed for the training, Trainers should return it and not share that information.
  • Trainers should not include specific details about sensitive information in the training.