Company Defaults

Company Defaults

The Company Defaults page allows customization of three areas of impact related to excess production and disposal modes. The Company Defaults page establishes the company-level defaults for the following areas of impact:

Manufacturing Waste

The Manufacturing Waste setting allows users to specify the ratio of manufacturing production waste that is recycled or downcycled instead of landfilled or incinerated. Unless this information can be provided by the Finished Goods Manufacturing facilities, the defaults should not be changed. When updating the account default value, at least 90% of manufacturing facilities (weighted by volume of production) should be factored into the updated values.

Excess Finished Goods Rate for this Product

This setting indicates the amount of finished goods that are produced versus the amount that are sold to consumers. When updating the account default value, the overall production and sales volume of products should be considered. For instance, if 1 million units are sold to consumers and 1.1 million units were purchased from finished goods manufacturers, the excess finished goods rate is: (1.1 million units produced – 1 million units sold = 100,000 excess units) / (1 million units sold) = 10%. The disposal pathway for these excess units can also be specified. The recycled / downcycled disposal mode applies to any recycling or downcycling of the excess products. Landfill / incineration applies to any landfilling or incineration of the excess goods.

Sample Rate for this Product

This setting indicates the amount of prototypes and samples that are produced versus the amount that are sold to consumers. When updating the account default value, the overall number of non-commercial samples (prototypes, fit samples, and salesman samples) and sales volume of products should be considered. For instance, if 1000 samples are created and the total amount sold is 100,000 units, then the sample rate is: (1000 non-commercial sample units) / (100,000 units sold) = 1%. The disposal pathway for these sample units can also be specified. The recycled / downcycled disposal mode applies to any non-commercial samples that are recycled or downcycled. Non-commercial samples that remain in use should also be added to this category. The Landfill / incineration mode applies to any non-commercial samples that are landfilled or incinerated.