PU Type

The PU Type Production Stage covers the raw material content of the synthetic leather resin. The following process options are available:

  • Leather coating, polyurethane, for synthetic leather is the default selection for Synthetic Leather Example Materials. It should be used unless another process is applicable. This process includes options for 25%, 35%, 45%, 55% and 100% PU. The appropriate substrate-to-PU ratio must be selected. 
  • Leather coating, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) should be selected if the resin type of the PU layer is thermoplastic polyurethane. This process includes options for 25%, 35%, 45%, 55% and 100% PU. The appropriate substrate-to-PU ratio must be selected.
  • Haptex non-solvent 2K PU synthetic leather (solvent based top coat) (55% substrate, 45% PU) {BASF} should be selected when using Haptex non-solvent 2K PU (solvent based top coat) from BASF. This process should be combined with the production process “Dry process, Haptex non-solvent 2K PU synthetic leather (solvent based top coat) {BASF}”.
  • Haptex non-solvent 2K PU synthetic leather (water based top coat) (55% substrate, 45% PU) {BASF} should be selected when using Haptex non-solvent 2K PU (water based top coat) from BASF. This process should be combined with the production process “Dry process, Haptex non-solvent 2K PU synthetic leather (water based top coat) {BASF}” 
  • Solvent based PU synthetic leather (45% substrate, 55% PU) {BASF} should be selected when using generic solvent based PU synthetic leather.
  • Water based PU synthetic leather (55% substrate, 45% PU) {BASF} should be selected when using generic water based PU synthetic leather.