Garment Preparation and Coloration

Garment Preparation and Coloration

The following garment preparation and coloration processes are available in the Higg Product Module. This group of processes is applicable when products are garment dyed and the processes are applied “per cycle.” This means that the weight of the product has already been factored into the impact and it is only necessary to specify how many times the product has been prepared for dyeing and how many times the product has been dyed.

Note that for most products, no Garment Preparation and Coloration processes need to be selected as the color is added during material manufacturing.

  • Pretreatment should be selected when a product coloration process is going to be applied and the product is prepared for this process. For most products, if a product coloration process is selected, one cycle of pretreatment should also be selected.
  • Batch Dyeing (piece dye) should be selected for any product or garment dyeing process (coloration). While different garment dyeing techniques are possible, this process is considered representative for any product or garment dyeing.