Completing End of Use

The End of Use section determines the relevant end of use pathways for a product. There are three questions that are asked in this section:

Design for Repair

Users can select from four levels of Design for Repair:

  • Level 0 – No Design for Repair (Default) should be selected when the product has not been designed with repairability in mind.
  • Level 1 – Design for Repairability should be selected when the product is designed for repairability. This can include including spare parts (e.g., buttons, buckles, patches and glue) and products designed with repairability in mind (e.g., trims that can easily be replaced).
  • Level 2 – Level 1 + DIY guides / list of repair services should be selected when the requirements from Level 1 are met and the brand facilitates repair services to their customers, such as offering repair services, offering “DIY” guides and education, and/or providing a list of recommended repair service providers.
  • Level 3 – Cross-border repair facilitation or promotion should be selected when the requirements in Level 2 have been met and are offered on a broad basis to customers in areas where the product is sold. Selecting “Level 3” will prompt an additional question asking the percentage of countries where the product is sold and where repair services are promoted and facilitated.


Users are asked what percentage of annual production volume is taken back through a rewear or takeback program. Generally, this should be calculated at the brand level unless there is a long history of data for a specific product or product category.

The percentage is calculated as follows: Number of total product units received through a takeback program and resold/reused per year divided by the number of total product units sold per year.


Users are asked what percentage of annual production volume is taken back through a takeback program and is then known to be recycled. Only products that have been diverted from landfill/incineration should be counted toward this number. Products in temporary storage should not be included.

Generally, the recycling/downcycling percentage should be calculated at the brand level unless there is a long history of data for a specific product or product category.

The percentage is calculated as follows: Number of total product units received through a takeback program and sent to a traceable recycler per year divided by the number of total product units sold per year. Products that are sent to a processor that does not provide a breakdown of the percentage of products recycled versus sent to landfill or incineration should not be counted toward this number.